Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

A Tutelarius Love

I have never found the word Tutelarius on the internet. I only found it in the Webster’s unabridged dictionary my mother gave me. If you have one, look for the word tutelary. I’ll let Megan tell you what it means when she tells Justin. Someone once asked me if I read the dictionary for entertainment. My response was; doesn’t everyone? I’ve used the phone book to find names for my characters too.

My husband was the mold I used to create Justin. He was born and raised in Arkansas and a take-charge gentleman. Of course, I embellished the character a little. Maybe I’m a little bit like Megan, too. I was neither born nor raised in Arkansas, but I’ve spent all my adult life here and the country lore found its way into this book.

I had a lot of fun writing this book. I enjoy the outdoors and wildlife. I’m an animal lover and a country girl at heart. I think our humor is one of the things that has kept our marriage together for 54 years.

This book is available in ebook, paperback and hardcover. You can find more information, reader comments and even read some of the book online at my website:

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