Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

Another Mountain

What inspired me to write this book? Tragedy. Yes, tragedy can be inspirational. They say trauma burns things into our memory. If so, this experience has certainly toasted some grey matter.

In 2010, I took my husband to the hospital for what we thought was deteriorating bone disease in his spine. They insisted on doing a heart catheterization, and in the process, paralyzed him. Their attempts to hide their error resulted in lifelong problems. The hospital has never admitted nor compensated for their mistake. This book is about the struggle back from paraplegia.

In 2014, I wrote:

“Life is like a range of mountains. Within them lie dark valleys, long steep slopes and glorious peaks. In each, there is beauty, if we choose to look for it.”

We climbed the mountain together, trying not to become distracted by anger and blame. The doctors didn’t think he would ever walk again, but he did, and this is the story.

“Another Mountain” is available in eBook, Kindle, paperback and hardcover formats. To discover more about this book, visit my website at:

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