Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

Archive for the month “January, 2013”

Monster on the Beach – Mystery

Thanks to Renee Homan Heath for 1-26-13 Friday Fictioneer's Photo Prompt!

Thanks to Renee Homan Heath for 1-26-13 Friday Fictioneer’s Photo Prompt!

Long skinny shadows across the boardwalk hastened his step. Soon the source of the groans would be concealed in darkness. Again the sound came from the beach, this time in sequential short bursts of apparent agony. The pathway curved and dropped to the white sandy beach. A long whine was followed by a deep moan. He paused, suddenly consumed with the irrational fear that a dinosaur roamed the beach. He crept around the line of dunes and gasped in horror at the huge form. Waves foamed around the gargantuan body of a beached humpback whale.

A New Beginning (Romance)

fireworks-lora-mitchell2 Friday Fictioneer’s 1-4-13 Photo Prompt “fireworks” by Lora Mitchell.

The screaming whistle ended in a loud boom. The ecstatic faces around her were illuminated with red and yellow from the explosion.
“Chin up, Andie. Put the past behind you. It’s a new year.”
Nate was the sole survivor of the car wreck that killed her fiancé one year ago. It was natural enough for Nate to become infatuated with his nurse, but now she was beginning to reciprocate.
Nate put an arm around her shoulders. “Do you want me to take you home?”
She relaxed against the long warmth of him. “I just want to be with you.”

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