Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

Archive for the month “October, 2014”


As I sorted through my mail, I noticed a solicitation for roadside assistance insurance. Having recently returned from a road trip, it caught my interest. I opened it and began sorting through the pages of information. When I didn’t find a price, it went to the trash can. I was short of time and patience.

It occurred to me that marketing my books wasn’t much different. I realize the rationale behind all the paperwork in the envelope was to sell me on the product before they offered the price. The fact is; it doesn’t matter if the offer is a bargain when I simply don’t have the money. I realize that everyone isn’t on a fixed income, but hopefully they do have a budget. If I want to put my books in their budget, I need to cut the chaff and make my price available up front.

Here is where I have an advantage. I not only sell large variety of books, but I have special interest items as well. In addition to professionally bound books, I have handcrafted books. But there is no reason everyone couldn’t have some kind of advantage. An attractive booklet can be printed and stapled together at the spine with little cost involved. It can be tucked into a purse or pocket and it is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate writing ability. A flash fiction story relating to a book topic might be a possibility. For me, perhaps a sign stating “books – $3 to $15” would help.

As writers, we should keep in mind that we are not selling books. We are selling our creativity. That creativity must be advertised to entice the reader – after all, isn’t that what we are doing with our book covers? But no one wants to be enticed, only to discover they cannot afford the product.

What’s your sign?


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