Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

Archive for the month “November, 2012”

Nostalgic Christmas

11-30-12 Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

11-30-12 Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

We all climbed out of Dad’s yellow ’57 Buick and gathered on the down-town Ft.Smith sidewalk for our annual Christmas shopping adventure.  Christmas ’62 was a mere two days away and the mood was festive.  We didn’t have TV like most folks and we lived in the “sticks,” but everyone knew the world was in turmoil. With our nuclear test competition with Russia, the civil rights movement and the Cuban Missile Crisis, we needed something cheerful.  The shops were bustling and the colorful Christmas lights put a glow in my heart.  Right now the world was full of love.

Finding Pete

November 1, 2012 Friday Fictioneer photo prompt by Ted Strutz

The wind came up suddenly without warning, carrying papers from the information booth throughout the craft fair – and beyond. As crafters scurried to anchor their tents and secure wind panels, customers fled to the shelter of a brick structure.  Across the street, a man opened his door to see what all the commotion was about and a paper sprawled over his face.  He clawed it off, cursing the horde of litterbugs. As he prepared to wad the paper up, the words caught his attention:  ADOPT A PET – and there in color was Pete. He didn’t run off – he was captured!

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