Linda L. Rigsbee

Author and Artisan

Piece of Mind

July 19 Friday Fictioneer photo prompt by anelephantcant.

July 19 Friday Fictioneer photo prompt by anelephantcant.

I only left it there for about 15 minutes, and when I returned, my bicycle was gone. The police acted like I was a doddering old fool. It really bugs me when people act that way. Hey, 64 isn’t too old to be riding a bike, people.
I gave the officer a piece of my mind. After the officer left, I headed back home, certain I’d never see that bike again. I did, though. Anchored to another tree where I’d left it. I sure wish I had kept that piece of my mind.

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11 thoughts on “Piece of Mind

  1. For some reason I can identify with this situation. Does this cop now have a bit of a mind? I think you need to pass on a bit of your mind over to this side….

  2. Nice one, made me smile;)

  3. Haha! Reminiscent of “where did I park my car?”


  4. Hi Linda,
    I almost used a similar story, except instead of the character being old, he had gotten drunk at the bar and forgotten his bike. Great minds think alike. Enjoyable story! Ron

  5. Lovely take on this photo! I too was reminded of former and numerous experiences in car parks.

  6. Nice one. Reminds me of a regular occurrence on the supermarket car park! Well captured.

  7. Dear :Linda,

    this one made me smile. Although it could be closer to home than I care to admit. 😉 Nice one.



  8. My first time at Friday Fictioneers. This is the second story I’ve read and both have made me laugh. Maybe mine is too serious.. I loved yours. 64 is not old at all for bike riding – as long as you can remember where you put it. Very nice!

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